As part of its scientific animation GIS Biogenouest offers you to review the conferences that have been held in recent years.

Mission #3
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from Western France

The previous years…
January 26: Management of "omics" data by EnginesOn by Yvan LE BRAS.
March 1: "Unicell, a project based on the cooperation of Biogenouest core facilities to set up a complete range of cell population analysis solutions at the single cell scale" by Laurent DAVID (PhD, Associate Professor at the Medical School of Nantes / Head of the iPSC core facility of Nantes).
December 17: “Olfactory Receptors: genetic polymorphism, functional plurality? »By Francis GALIBERT (Professor UMR 6290 CNRS / Faculty of Medicine, Université Rennes 1).
September 29: “Cell signaling and modeling” by Nathalie THERET (INSERM UMR1085, IRSET, UMR6074 IRISA, Rennes).
April 28: “The beauty of“ omics ”approaches: improving the quality of Polynesian pearls” by Caroline MONTAGNANI, UMR 5244 IHPE (Interactions Hosts Pathogens Environments) / MIMM Team (Mechanisms of Interaction and Adaptation in Marine Environment.
February 24: "Mitochondrial dynamics and blinding diseases" by Guy LENAERS (Research and Teaching Center in Mitochondrial Medicine, Université d'Angers)
January 29: “Global modeling of metabolism for the interpretation of biomarkers” by Fabien JOURDAN (INRA - UMR1331 TOXALIM-MeX, Toulouse)
December 18: “Plant-microbial community interactions in the rhizosphere: from improving the adaptive value of the host to piloting interactions in an agroecological context” by Christophe MOUGEL (INRA - Institute of Genetics, Environment and Plant Protection) .
September 23: “Biofilms of marine bacteria and production of anti-biofilm molecules” by Alain DUFOUR from the Laboratory of Marine Biotechnologies and Chemistry (University of South Bretagne - European University Institute of the Sea).
April 24: “Gene editing with the CRISPR / Cas 9 system” (1st part of the presentation / 2nd part of the presentation) by Tuan Huy NGUYEN, researcher at Inserm (UMR 1064).
February 25: “Genetic variability of ticks: contributions to anti-vector control and understanding the epidemiology of tick diseases” by Olivier Plantard, researcher at INRA.
January 30: “Integrative genomics of energy metabolism in endocrine tumors” by Frédérique SAVAGNER (EA 3143 - Laboratory of Neurobiology and Transgenesis - Health Center of the Université d'Angers).
December 19: “Environment, endocrine disruptors and human health” by Bernard JEGOU, INSERM exceptional class research director and Professor at EHESP.
November 21: “Genes guilty in the summer mortality of the oyster Crassostrea gigas” by Arnaud HUVET - Ifremer, Plouzané.
October 15: “The modeling of living organisms within the INRIA-IRISA ecosystem” by C. BARILLOT, C. KERVRANN, D. LAVENIER and A. SIEGEl - INRIA Center in Rennes: Presentation of the Dyliss team by Anne Siegel, presentation of the GenScale team by Dominique LAVENIER, presentation of the Serpico team by Charles KERVRANN.
September 12: “Biogenesis and dynamics of mitochondria in plants” by David C.LOGAN.
May 28: "Molecular epidemiology of fish viruses: usefulness and limits in the control of epidemics" by Laurent BIGARRE - Anses Plouzané.
April 16: “Phenotyping” by Michel RENARD, Deputy Unit Director and Deputy Head of Department of the “Biology and Plant Improvement Department” structure of IGEPP (INRA).
February 21: “Integrating research and training in nanomedicine: challenges and perspectives” by Franck BOURY, professor, coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus “NanoFar” European doctorate Inserm U1066 MINT “Biomimetic micro-nanomedicines”, Université d'Angers.
January 17: “Vibrios infecting marine invertebrates: new insights into vibrio virulence and their adaptive gene reservoirs” by Frédérique LE ROUX, Head of the emerging Ifremer / UPMC “Vibrio genomics” team, Station Biologique de Roscoff.
December 18: "Does the expression of the genome reveal its structure?" An example of e-science ”by Christian DIOT, INRA Research Director, UMR Pegase, Saint-Gilles.
November 22: "Metabolomics, a functional genomics or phenotyping tool for treating plant / environment relationships and resistance to stress?" »By Alain BOUCHEREAU, UMR 1349 IGEPP, INRA-Agrocampus Ouest-Université Rennes 1.
October 16: "Cloud computing: where does it come from?" Who is she ? What can she do? »By Luc Bougé, ENS Cachan Professor, KerData Team, Irisa / Inria Rennes Bretagne Atlantique. To see the video, click here.
September 13: “Production and use of TALEN nucleases for controlled genome modification”.
Part 1 by Jean-Paul CONDORCET, Department of Genetics and Development, Institut Cochin, Paris.
Part 2 by Ignacio ANEGON, Inserm UMR 1064, Nantes.