
3D imaging in the OuestOÏD network: light sheet technology


Since the 2010s, microscopy based on light sheet illumination has widely developed and improved the possibilities for non-invasive imaging of large biological objects in 3 dimensions. This technology is based on a separation of the excitation and emission optical paths, along a perpendicular axis. The illumination of a single plane of the sample generates an optical section and the fluorescence emitted is detected by a high-resolution camera (sCMOS type). Acquisition is therefore faster and generates less phototoxicity, with an intermediate resolution between confocal microscopy and full-field microscopy. Entire samples can thus be visualized at a subcellular scale


In the OuestOÏD network, fluorescence light sheet microscopy is offered by 3 Biogenouest microscopy core facilities in Nantes and Rennes. Two different equipment are available:  


LightSheet 7 Zeiss (MicroPICell in Nantes and MRic in Rennes) Ultramicroscope BLAZE Miltenyi (APEX In Nantes)


The BLAZE UltraMicroscope is more suited to large, transparent samples, while the LightSheet 7 achieves higher resolutions on smaller samples, and allows the observation of live samples.

To enable you to use the method best suited to your samples, here is a more precise comparison of these 2 pieces of equipment:

For more details and advice on the use of microscopes and sample preparation, do not hesitate to contact the core facilities for your 3D imaging projects:

MicroPICell: Anne Gaignerie  et Philippe Labrot

MRic: Xavier Pinson

APEX: Laurence Dubreil