Title of the article

“After obtaining my master's degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology in Rennes in 2020, I worked at the Lyon Cancer Research Center as an assistant engineer. For a few months, I was able to study the replication process of the Hepatitis B virus and test molecules with high therapeutic potential. After this experience, my job search led me to join the ImPACcell core facility in Rennes. I am today hired as a study engineer on this core facility for a one-year fixed-term contract.

Our project focuses on the development of models of physiological barriers, in particular the intestinal and blood brain barriers, with the aim ofstudy the permeability of these to certain bioactive molecules (therapeutic or toxic). In our body, these barriers are like filters that prevent the dispersion of pathogens and toxins, but which also prevent the passage of certain therapeutic molecules. Optimization of these two barrier models will allow local and external researchers to better define the properties of their molecule of interest. "

